Designed in collaboration with renowned educator Steve Fidyk, the Swing model measures just under a 7A in the grip. This model has a “double taper", meaning that it is slightly thicker towards the middle of the stick than in the grip and then finishes with a very quick and thin taper. This produces a stick that possesses great sensitivity and exceptionally fast rebound.
"Swing sticks, which are available with wood or nylon oval tips, provided a nice rebound off the ever-so important ride cymbal for quick, delicate swing patterns." - Modern Drummer Magazine
“I play Vater sticks because they make the best sticks…PERIOD! I also play Vater because almost all of the great jazz drummers that I listen to bought sticks from Jack’s Drum Shop because they were the best sticks in the world. The tradition continues with the great sticks and accessories that Vater makes.” – Otis Brown III